Friday 29 July 2011

hobby craft!

Well it has been an extremely busy day today! En route to todays 'informal chat'/job interview, was unfortunate to hit in the back of the car by a busy commuter - on the plus side he was lovely and very apologetic. However, there is now a lovely dint in the back of the car! The job interview went well, shall be finding out on Tuesday whether I shall be once again 'living for the weekend'! In light of the mornings events I took The Boyf out for breakfast and took myself off to HobbyCraft - gosh I was in for a treat. Doesn't the new look HobbyCraft look good?! What with the new logo, new shop layout I couldn't help wander the eisles, obviously picking up more than just the pens I originally went in for. As you can see I picked up a feast of goody's for myself (well for buttons.etc) including my new corner cutter - everything i own shall probably now have rounded corners!

And... once again my dining table come studio is looking very caotic - however after today's purchases I am in the mood to be creative, shall get the new Sharpies out (two blues, a green and a pink for those who were wondering!) and crack on with buttons.etc new packaging.

Hopefully all the designs I have been busy sketching out throughout the week shall materialise over the weekend, plenty of time as The Boyf is working, must have as many completed by F1 time on Sunday lunch when the living room/studio shall become a boy zone!

Thursday 28 July 2011


Now that the new flat is pretty much sorted, I decided it was time to once again crack out the sketch book as many ideas had been flowing recently. Lots of new designs have been created, with the refining of several previous designs. Now to crack on making many more cards.

I am yet to establish a 'buttons.etc' area within the flat, my 'office' is currently contained to a drawer and a lovely IKEA storage basket, really trying to keep myself contained as now living with 'The Boyf', occasionally the dining table does succumb to the pressure of being my design studio. Many more pretty coloured buttons shall be purchased within the next few days, do still have plenty to keep me going in the mean time, so photos shall be posted shortly of all my new wonderful creations.

Tuesday 26 July 2011

back in business

After the big move at the beginning of the month, we now have the internet back up and running, so you will all be pleased to know that buttons.etc is back in business!

New designs and creations are on the go, many a night I have spent sketching out plans. The results shall be up shortly for you all to see. Once again orders shall be taken for bespoke greetings cards.

That is all for now and I shall be posting images up shortly.